Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Record Year For Euronext Amsterdam

Date 05/01/2001

December was again a good month for the markets at Euronext Amsterdam, contributing to very positive figures for the year as a whole. On the cash market, where trading in shares was up 66% on 1999, the total annual value of turnover reached a record level of ? 2.02 trillion, an increase of 35% on the previous year. The number of transactions in shares and bonds also showed a sharp rise, with over 25 million transactions (increase of 60%) conducted in the course of the year.

In 2000, the value of securities admitted to listing broke all previous records, with a total of ? 141.6 billion representing an annual increase of more than 16.6%. During December, the number of securities listed was 23% up on the last month of 1999.

At Euronext Amsterdam’s derivatives market, a new record of ? 51.6 billion was set for premium turnover in equity options, a 51.5% increase on 1999. In total, 50.3 million equity option contracts were traded, 24% more than in the previous year. The total number of options and futures traded was also up (7.5%).

December was a good month for pig futures at the commodities market, with turnover up 49% on the same month in 1999. For the year as a whole, turnover in agricultural products was down 14%.

The number of securities transactions cleared via Euronext Amsterdam’s clearing and settlement systems rose 54% in 2000.

The total number of exercised contracts processed by the options clearing arm of Euronext Amsterdam was up 106.5% in December compared with the same month in 1999. During 2000, 4.7 million contracts were exercised, an increase of 18.4% on the previous year.