Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Radianz To Provide Connectivity For Boston Options Exchange

Date 28/05/2003

Radianz today announced that its global financial extranet, RadianzNet, will be used as one of the options to give institutions secure network access to the Boston Options Exchange (BOX), an all-electronic equity derivatives market that is being created as an alternative to the existing market models.

"We are pleased to add another important customer to the growing mix of applications across the straight-through processing chain that institutions worldwide can access via RadianzNet," said Chris Church, Radianz's executive vice president and head of Global Sales and Marketing.

BOX is a new options exchange that was established in Feb. 2002 by the Boston Stock Exchange, Inc., Bourse de Montréal, Inc., and Interactive Brokers Group LLC. BOX is currently under review with the SEC and hopes to launch in summer of 2003.