TSE plans to review its trading rules of cash equity market in November 2024, including the introduction of Closing Auction, etc.
In advance of this review, TSE has published a revised edition of the book “Tokyo Stock Exchange Official Guide Pricing Mechanism of arrowhead”(Japanese version : published in 2021) to add example questions on Closing Auction and Special Execution.
- An English version will also be published in e-book format around September 2024.

Title | Tokyo Stock Exchange Official Guide Pricing Mechanism of arrowhead – Second edition (Japanese version) |
Content | This book explains the price formation logic used in the TSE's “arrowhead” stock trading system in detail and in an easy-to-understand manner through a total of 76 example problems. The book explains the price formation mechanism of the Itayose method, which determines the opening and closing prices, and the Zaraba method, which determines prices during other trading hours, using specific examples to illustrate key points. The book also discusses Special Quotes and Sequential Trade Quotes, which are trading rules unique to Japan to control sudden price fluctuations, as well as the mechanism for determining the initial price for newly listed stocks. This revised edition includes eight new examples on Closing Auction and Special Execution scheduled to be introduced in November 2024. The book also includes a summary of the answers to each question at the end of the book. Please use this book to further your understanding of the changes of the trading rules. Main Contents: Introduction / Zaraba / Itayose / Newly listed stock / CB trading |
Author | Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. IT Development Department |
Language | Japanese |
Price | 2,200 JPY |
Spec | Size: A5, Pages: 192 |
ISBN | 978-4-322-14435-2 |
Info | - Available at bookstores nationwide. - The book will also be available at the following e-book sites. Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, Kinoppy, Booklista, Rakuten Kobo (in alphabetical order) - An English version of the book will be published in e-book format (around September 2024). |