Now that the new Stock Exchange Regulations are in place, Oslo Exchanges can initiate the process leading to the Share Offer. Pre-marketing will start on 17 April for completion by 2 May. During this period Oslo Exchanges will meet both domestic and international investors to present Oslo Exchanges and form a view of the level of interest in the shares to be sold. The response to pre-marketing is important not least as a basis to determine the final share price, which will also be arrived at with the help of a book-building process. The offer period will be from 8 May to 21 May, with allotment of shares on 22 May.
At a press lunch in the Stock Exchange building Friday, the President and Chief Executive Officer of Oslo Exchanges, Sven Arild Andersen, commented "We want to create a broadly based ownership with a good variety of types of shareholder. This will ensure a high degree of independence, and will avoid Oslo Exchanges being influenced by any one group of owners".