Following the conversion to a public limited company on 22 May 2001, Oslo Børs ASA will in all respects be a continuation of Oslo Exchanges. The conversion will accordingly not cause any practical changes for investors, listed companies, investment firms or any other parties that have dealings with Oslo Exchanges. In formal terms the Share Offer represents a sale by Oslo Exchanges in its current form as a self-owning institution of the entire share capital of the new company Oslo Børs Holding ASA. The sole activity of Oslo Børs Holding ASA will be its ownership of 100% of the shares in Oslo Exchanges in its new form as Oslo Børs ASA, a public limited company.
The President and Chief Executive Officer of Oslo Exchanges, Sven Arild Andersen, comments on the conversion as follows: "The conversion to a public limited company gives us the modern and commercial organisational form needed to create an efficient marketplace that is well equipped for future change. This provides as with the basis for further development to meet the demands that Norwegian companies, savers and the financial sector will place on our future activities. I hope that through the Share Offer we will attract shareholders who can contribute to this process."
Brief details of the Share Offer
- Offer Period 8-21 May 2001
- Indicative price range: NOK 75 to NOK 95 per share.
- Number of shares: 5,000,000 >LI>Minimum purchase application: NOK 300,000
- Maximum ownership interest of 10% (any single shareholder or group)
- Applications to purchase shares can be made through Orkla Enskilda Securities ASA and Christiania Markets
- The shares in Oslo Børs Holding ASA will not be stock exchange listed following the sale