Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Postbank Replaces Schering In DAX - Deutsche Börse Decides On Changes To Equity Indices - Changes Are Effective On 18 September

Date 05/09/2006

On Tuesday, Deutsche Börse has decided on changes in its equity indices DAX®, MDAX®, SDAX® and TecDAX®. The changes will be effective on 18 September. Postbank will be included in the DAX index replacing Schering. Schering will be taken out of DAX on the basis of the so-called fast-exit rule, which sets a 45th-place ranking in market capitalization or exchange turnover as the cutt-off for an index adjustment.

Schering will move to the MDAX index. Deutz will also be included in the MDAX index, replacing Vivacon.

Vivacon will be included in the SDAX index. Deutsche Wohnen, Air Berlin, Kloeckner & Co.,C.A.T Oil and Demag Cranes will also be included in the SDAX index, replacing Villeroy + Boch, Boewe Systec, Schlott Gruppe, Kloeckner Werke und Fluxx.

Wirecard and Adva will replace Combots and Medigene in the TecDAX index.

The next review of the equity indices is scheduled for 5 December 2006.

DAX®, MDAX®, SDAX® and TecDAX® are registered trademarks of Deutsche Börse AG.

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