Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

PLUS Volumes Soar To Record Highs - September Volumes 100% Up On August

Date 09/10/2008

PLUS Markets – the new stock exchange for London – recorded soaring trading figures for the month of September posting 555,958 trades worth £ 4,447 million comprising 2,650 million shares in total. This represents an increase of almost 100% in both bargains (up 99.53%) and trade value (up 98.45%).

September saw PLUS achieving 50% or more market share in 735 UK securities (against August’s 546). In addition to the 223 PLUS quoted stocks, this commanding market position covers over 500 Official List Fledgling and Small Cap stocks and some AIM securities. In the same month, PLUS extended its stock coverage to include around 200 Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) and Exchange Traded Commodities (ETC).

Additionally, PLUS continues to support its claim to be a UK execution venue of choice and is consistently registering new trading highs. Notable highlights include:
  • In the volatile week of 15 September, PLUS captured over 50% market share in UK retail trades against the LSE:

  PLUS trades LSE trades (from LSE website)
15 Sep 39,518  34,561
19 Sep 47,009 43,722

On Monday, 7 October, PLUS captured significant volume in some of the more heavily traded financial stocks, such as:

RBS 53.57m on PLUS; 51.69m on Chi-X ;  7.17m on Turquoise
HBOS: 13.76m on PLUS ; 5.95m on Chi-X ;     1.74m on Turquoise
BARCLAYS 15.53m on PLUS ;   14.90m on Chi-X ; 4.76m on Turquoise
LLOYDS: 12.60m on PLUS ; 16.28m on Chi-X ;    2.58m on Turquoise

Business Development Director Cyril Theret said: “PLUS is increasingly commanding trading volume in a wide range of markets. Total volumes and market share numbers indicate strong support for the PLUS market model and further underlines its claim to be a competitive market of choice across all segments of UK securities trading.”



Trade value

Number of shares

April ‘08


£ 3,131.50 m

1,951.93 m

May ‘08


£ 2,531.82 m

1,538.25 m

June ‘08


£2,435.06 m

1,613.14 m

July ‘08


£ 2,809.25 m

2,112.93 m

August ‘08


£ 2,241.036 m

1,538.692 m



 £ 4,447.33 m

2,650.07 m