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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Platform Of Communications, Cornerstone Of Mutual Trust - Shenzhen Stock Exchange New Version “Interaction Easy” Launched

Date 17/11/2011

Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) launched the “Listed Companies and Investors Relation Interaction Platform of Shenzhen Stock Exchange” on January 1, 2010, being the first to provide a convenient, quick and centralized Internet-based communication channel for the investors and listed companies. Within nearly two years after the platform was launched, both the number of questions from the investors and the response rate of the listed companies have been increasing steadily. As of November 8, 2011, the total number of question from the investors was 93.182, increasing by 362% on a year-on-year basis. In addition, the response rate of the listed companies reached 95.08% and the average time of response decreased from three days to five hours, which indicates that the platform is getting popular among the investors as well as receiving active responses from the listed companies.

As the information technology has advanced into the era of Web 2.0 nowadays, the increasing number of users and social influence keep expanding the value of information spreading. In order to go with the trend of technological development and provide better personalized services to the investors, SZSE started the revision of the interaction platform from the second half of 2011. With the new version, the customer experience of the investors will be improved and the personalized “information customization and push” service will be introduced. In addition, the services and functions to be provided to the listed companies will also to further enhanced.

After the revision and upgrading, the “Listed Companies and Investors Relation Interaction Platform of Shenzhen Stock Exchange” will be renamed as “Interaction Easy”, which originates from the old saying “simplicity and easiness interwine with each other”. The purpose of the new platform is to make the complex market information simpler for the investors, so that it’s easier for them to interact with the listed companies, to get information and to identify specific information.

The innovative personalized information customization and push service

In recent years, the microblog developed based on Web 2.0 technology shows a strong trend of development thanks to its interactive and broad information spreading. Therefore, the new version of “Interaction Easy” borrows ideas from the concept and form of information spreading of microblog, providing “Favorite users” and “Information customization and push” services to all kinds of investors.

After signing up and logging in the “Interaction Easy”, every investor can easily add his/her interested listed companies or other registered users into his/her “favorite users”, realizing personalized information customization from the “Interaction Easy”. At the same time, the “Interaction Easy” prepares an independent personal homepage for each registered investor. After logging into the member area, the investor can view the information related to his/her favorite listed companies pushed by the “Interaction Easy”, including the latest questions and responses, new information and announcements releases, reminders on big events, the latest news and research reports, etc. At the same time, the latest questions and responses of other registered users who have been added into the list of favorite users will also be pushed to the investor.

The “Online service pass for investors” launched

In the revision, it’s the first time to propose the idea to provide “personalized services” to the investors. Therefore, as an auxiliary function, the “online service pass” for investors in Shenzhen securities market will be launched together with the new version of “Interaction Easy”. By registering on the “Interaction Easy” and authenticating the “online service pass” for investors in Shenzhen securities market for once only, the investor can enjoy more existing and proposed personalized services in Shenzhen securities market, such as online poll service, XBRL application service and investor education service, etc.

Being the first time to launch the two-way appraisal and motivation mechanism

In order to improve the quality of questions and responses in the “Interaction Easy”, it’s the first time to introduce a two-way appraisal and motivation mechanism in this revision. First, every investor viewing a response of a listed company can grade such response and a column of “the most satisfactory responses” showing the ranking of responses will be established in the “Interaction Easy” according to the accumulated scores of each response; second, the listed companies can also select hot questions from all questions submitted by the investors. A column of “hot questions” will be set up in to “Interaction Easy”, displaying the latest hot questions. In addition, based on the statistics on indicators such as the number of questions, number of responses, response rate and level of attention, the new version of “Interaction Easy” launches a series of ranking lists, such as investors submitting the most questions, companies giving the most responses, companies with the lowest response rate, investors receiving the most attention and companies receiving the most attention, etc.

The new version of “Interaction Easy” is a business and technical innovation made by SZSE and Shenzhen Securities Information Co., Ltd. in the context of the information era and for the purpose of investor protection and information interaction. Its launch will further improve the benign interaction between the two most important parties in the securities market, stockholders and listed companies. It will eliminate the false and retain the true, discard the dross and select the essential, bringing more market information and better customer experience to the investors. We are all looking forward to it!