Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Philadelphia Stock Exchange Equity Options Up 42 % - Sector Index Options Up 23 %

Date 05/12/2001

The Philadelphia Stock Exchange announced Wednesday that equity options trading volume totaled 90,367,898 contracts for the first 11 months of 2001, up 42 % over the same year ago period when 63,535,473 contracts traded.

Equity options volume for the month of November 2001 was 6,928,683 contracts traded, a 19.8% decline over the same month last year when 8,643,469 contracts traded.

Sector index trading volume for the first 11 months of 2001 totaled 4,288,939, up 23.4% over the same period last year when 3,475,841 contracts traded. Sector index options trading volume for the month of November 2001 totaled 304,933 contracts, a 14.7% decrease over the same year ago period when 357,687 contracts traded.

PHLX currently lists options on thirteen sectors: KBW Bank Sector (BKX); Computer Box Maker Sector (BMX); Drug Sector (RXS); Forest and Paper Products Sector (FPP); Gold/Silver Sector (XAU); Oil Service Sector (OSX); OTC Prime Sector (OTX); PHLX Defense Sector (DFX); PHLX Fiber Optics Sector (FOP); Internet Sector (DOT); Semiconductor Sector (SOX); Utility Sector (UTY); Wireless Telecom Sector (YLS).

Volume in the customized and standardized currency options was 44,147 for the month of November 2001, a 38 % increase over the same year ago period when 31,942 shares traded. For the first 11 months of 2001, 454,071 contracts traded, a 9% increase over the same year ago period when 414,835 contracts traded.

Equity trading volume reached 181,160,600 shares for the month of November 2001, a 9 % increase over the same year ago period when 166,160,110 shares traded. For the first 11 months of 2001, equity volume was 1.9 billion, a 6% decline from the same year ago period.

The Philadelphia Stock Exchange (PHLX) was founded in 1790. The PHLX trades over 2,000 stocks, over 1,000 equity options, 13 sectors index options and currency pairs. For more information about the PHLX and its products, visit