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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Peter Coym Elected As New Chairman Of Eurex Exchange Council - Linz Replaces

Date 05/03/2003

The Exchange Council of Eurex Deutschland elected Peter Coym as its new chairman on Wednesday, the world's leading derivatives exchange reported on Wednesday. Peter Coym, member of the Executive Board of Lehman Brothers Bankhaus AG, Frankfurt and vice-chairman of the council, succeeds Leonhard Fischer, who had resigned from the council as of October 31, 2002, the same date on which Fischer left the firm he was representing on the council, Dresdner Bank AG.

The members of the Exchange Council of Eurex Deutschland also co-opted Heinrich Linz, member of the Board of Managing Directors of Dresdner Bank AG, Frankfurt, to the Exchange Council of Eurex Deutschland. Heinrich Linz was also elected as the new vice chairman of the Exchange Council.

The Exchange Council is the highest controlling and supervisory body of Eurex Deutschland. The new Exchange Council members are elected to serve for the remaining duration of the council's current, three-year term, which began with its constitutive meeting in November 2001.