This step has been discussed with the Committee of the Board of Directors of the SWX Group, which I have been chairing for three years. I am grateful for the understanding that my colleagues have shown for my decision. At the same time, I would like to emphasise that my task as the Chairman of the SWX Group is extremely challenging in these times of changing international markets, and I will continue to perform it with unflagging commitment as long as I remain in my current position. If the election in Germany is in my favour, there will be talks about when I should make the transfer. I will do everything within my power to ensure that there is no discontinuity in the management of the Swiss stock exchange.
I will therefore recommend to the Board of Directors of the SWX Ms Antoinette Hunziker-Ebneter for the position of Chairwoman of the Board of the SWX Group for the purpose of optimal succession in case I am elected. Ms Hunziker-Ebneter is ideally qualified for this position and was decisive in shaping the SWX into a powerful and internationally respected securities exchange over a period of several years.
All told, Antoinette Hunziker-Ebneter was associated with the SWX for more than nine years. From 1993 through March 1995, she managed the Member Support Center of the Swiss Electronic Exchange (SEE) project, and in the final stage she was the deputy project manager. At the SWX Swiss Exchange, the SEE's successor, she was responsible for Management Services from 1995 through 1997. From 1997 through 2000, she was the CEO of the SWX Swiss Exchange and the Head of the Market Division. In December 2000, Ms Hunziker-Ebneter was appointed Head of the SWX Group and in early February 2001 she was appointed CEO of virt-x.
The SWX Group has a clear strategy, is well organised, has a well-qualified management team under the tried and tested leadership of Group CEO Jürg Spillmann in charge of its operations, is solidly financed and profitable. This puts it in a position internationally that allows it to assume a proactive role in connection with the consolidation of stock exchanges for the benefit of its stakeholders. Should I be appointed CEO of Deutsche Börse, my successor will obtain a challenging, but well-functioning legacy.
Reto Francioni