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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Per E. Larsson To Leave OM

Date 20/05/2003

Per E. Larsson is to leave his position as CEO of OM on May 30, 2003. The Board of Directors has decided that a new CEO will head the new company that will be formed when OM merges with HEX. OM's Deputy CEO, Magnus Böcker has been appointed as acting CEO.

"We have now reached a milestone in the work that we began nearly ten years ago," says Per E. Larsson. "The Nordic financial market is on its way to becoming one common market with a strong OM as catalyst. The Board of Directors initiated discussions when it became clear that a merger with HEX could become a reality. The discussions led to the decision that it was time for a new CEO to take charge."

"I have been at OM for eighteen incredibly interesting and stimulating years - the past seven as CEO," says Per E. Larsson. "The time is right to move on to new challenges, which feels both exciting and challenging."

"Per was one of the first people I employed in the company after the start in 1985," says Olof Stenhammar, OM's founder and Chairman. "Per quickly built up the business, in particular the fixed-income side and thereafter assumed responsibility for our exchange operations. When I stepped down as CEO in 1996, he was the clear choice as my successor. Today, OM is a world leading company within transaction technology. The OM brand is established all over the world and this is largely a result of Per's goal-oriented work."

"Per has also been responsible for the creation of Stockholmsbörsen, through the integration of Stockholms Fondbörs and OM's derivatives exchange. In addition, his work has led to OM becoming the central force in the increasingly important Nordic stock exchange co-operation, in which the transaction with HEX announced today is a vital next step. Through last year's deal with the London Stock Exchange, in which together we created the new equity derivatives exchange EDX London, OM has strengthened its position on the European bourse map."

"With OM at the stage it is today, it is the Board of Directors' understanding that it is appropriate for a new CEO to take charge," says Olof Stenhammar.

According to his employment contract, Per E. Larsson will receive severance pay for two years in addition to benefits with a combined value of SEK 11.2 m. He will continue to be at the disposal of the Board of Directors until March 31, 2004. He will also receive a bonus of SEK 3 m for his contribution in initiating and concluding the HEX transaction, among other things. All of the employee stock options allocated to him can be exercised within three years from his last day of employment.

OM is a world leading provider of transaction technology to the financial services and energy industries. Developing and marketing IT solutions that boost the efficiency of markets worldwide, OM has over 300 customers in 20 countries. OM also owns and operates exchanges and clearing organizations and has operations in 10 countries. OM is listed on Stockholmsbörsen. For more information please visit