FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
ParisBourse SBF SA Records Excellent Results In 1999
Date 03/03/2000
Meeting on February 29, 2000, the Board of Directors of ParisBourse SBF SA approved company financial statements for 1999 and took note of the aggregate financial statements for the group's core structure made up of ParisBourse SBF SA, Clearnet SBF SA and EuronextSBF SA. These financial statements are only part of the consolidated financial statements, which also reflect in particular full consolidation of GL Trade. These aggregate financial statements are comparable to the pro forma financial statements for 1998 representing consolidation of SBF, Matif SA and Monep SA, taking into account the merger of Société du Nouveau Marché with SBF-ParisBourse SA as part of the restructuring carried out in May 1999.
Aggregate revenues for the core structure amounted to FRF 1,837 million (EUR 280 million), while income from ordinary business reached FRF 690 million (EUR 105 million) and net income FRF 398 million (EUR 60.6 million) compared with FRF 245 million excluding exceptional items in 1998.
Income on ordinary business for the core structure was thus 42% higher than in 1998, reflecting record trading on the Paris Bourse, with a total of 58 million trades representing an amount of EUR 733 billion or 39% more than in 1998, the steepest rise for any European exchange. At the end of 1999, total capitalization of ParisBourse stocks came to nearly EUR 1.5 trillion, the highest figure for any continental European exchange.
Steady rises in ParisBourse's net income reflect the success of the NSC trading system which makes Paris one of the world's most competitive markets, as well as one of the most attractive in terms of transaction costs. It is also the world leader for the supply of electronic trading systems, equipping 17 markets across five continents.
In 1999, Trading fees (including clearing) fell a further 10.7%. The ParisBourseSBF SA holding company properly speaking recorded net income of FRF 275 million (EUR 42 million). The
proposed dividend for each share with a nominal value of FRF 100 is FRF 30, to which is attached an Avoir fiscal tax credit of FRF 15. After distribution of this dividend, representing a total of FRF 248 million, shareholders' equity will amount to FRF 2,176 million (EUR 331 million).
These results are subject to the approval of the General Meeting of Shareholders.