Paris Bourse Trading Data For October - Business In The First Ten Months Tops 1998 Total
Date 09/11/1999
Business in the ten months to October 31 was already above the total for 1998, itself a record-breaking year. Trades over the period totaled 45.49 million compared with 44.8 million for the twelve months of last year. This represented an amount of EUR 568,303 million compared with a full-year figure of EUR 513,480 million in 1998.
Trades in October totaled 5,358,956, thus topping the five million mark for the second month in a row. The daily average for French equities was 255,188, up 7.58% from September. The peak for the month was 375,440 trades on October 29 and the low point 186,834 on October 27. The 45.49 million total for the first ten months was 27.13% above the 35.76 million recorded in the same period of 1998
Trading averaged EUR 2,945 million a day, on a par with the record set in the previous month, and the total for the 21 business days in the month was thus EUR 61,842 million. The peak for the month and an all-time high for the Paris Bourse was EUR 6,017 million (FRF 39.47 billion) on October 28 and the low point EUR 2,024 million on October 20.
A ten-month total of EUR 568,303 million was 31.64% higher than the full-year figure of EUR 431.7 billion in 1998.
In October three new companies - Piscine Waterair, SII and BigBen - were admitted to the Second Marché, raising the number of admissions on the Second Marché since the beginning of the year to 33.
At October 31, capitalization of French equities on the Premier Marché and Second Marché totaled EUR 1.170 billion.