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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Overall, The EBA Observes A Stable Number Of Monitored High Earners In The EU In 2023

Date 18/12/2024

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its Dashboard on high earners for 2023. The analysis shows a slight increase in the number of individuals working for EU banks and decrease for investment firms who have received a remuneration of more than EUR 1 million. 

In 2023, the total number of high earners receiving a remuneration of more than EUR 1 million remained constant at 2 343, while that of high earners in credit institutions slightly increased by 5.21% (from 2 017 in 2022 to 2 122 in 2023), and of high earners in investment firms decreased by 32% (from 325 in 2022 to 221 in 2023). The drop in high earners reported by investment firms can be attributed to the less profitable financial year and lower market volatility.

The EBA’s analysis includes data on the gender distribution among high earners, highlighting the existence of a persistent gender imbalance within the financial sector, and particularly the highest paid positions.

The weighted average ratio of variable to fixed remuneration for all high earners of credit institutions increased to 87.8 %, while the average ratio dropped to 304.8% for high earners of investment firms, for which the limits to the ratio between the variable and the fixed remuneration under CRD do no longer apply as of 2021. 

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