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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Oslo Stock Exchange Listing Announcements

Date 15/02/2000

The Stock Exchange Board has resolved to admit the shares of Stepstone to listing on the Main List. This decision is conditional on the company's shares attaining a sufficiently wide distribution and the production of a prospectus which meets the requirements set out in the Stock Exchange Regulations in respect of a new listing. The first day for listing is to be determined by the President of the Oslo Stock Exchange, but with the proviso that this must be no later than 15 March 2000. StepStone ASA, is a premier online provider of recruiting, recruitment advertising and career services to individuals and employers in Europe. StepStone has 1.95 million user sessions per month and a database in excess of 170,000 CVs and more than 60,000 employment opportunities. There are links to StepStone's services in Norway, UK, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, France, Belgium and Italy on Companies such as Andersen Consulting, Coca-Cola, Deutsche Bahn, Ericsson, IBM, Microsoft, Nestle and Nokia use StepStone's websites to recruit staff. In 1999, turnover was in excess of EUR 12 million. The Stock Exchange Board has resolved to transfer the listing of Enitel shares from the SMB List to the Main List. The first day for the shares to be listed on the Main List will be 1 March 2000. The Stock Exchange Board has resolved to approve the requests received from Bergensbanken, Elkjøp and Aker RGI for their shares to be removed from listing. The last day on which shares in these three companies will be listed is 16 February 2000. The Stock Exchange Board has resolved to delete temporarily the listing of shares in Tecmar Technologies International Inc. with effect from Wednesday 16 February 2000. The company may be re-admitted to listing if issues arising in respect of its status under Chapter 11 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code are satisfactorily resolved. Re-admission to listing will also be conditional upon the company satisfying the requirements for listing and the production, prior to re-admission, of a prospectus which satisfies the requirements set out in Chapter 16 of the Stock Exchange Regulations. The period of the temporary cancellation of listing expires on 25 May 2000, but the President of the Oslo Stock Exchange is empowered to approve earlier re-admission to listing if the conditions imposed are satisfied. The Stock Exchange Board's decision may be appealed to the Stock Exchange Appeals Committee, and the time limit for any appeal to be submitted is 2 (two) weeks. The Stock Exchange Board has resolved to change the terms of the requirement for there to be a minimum number of holders of at least one round lot in a security to be listed on the Main List of the Oslo Stock Exchange. The Board has resolved to increase the minimum number of holders from 500 to 1,000. The new requirement comes into force with effect from 16 February 2000. "Today's decision by the Stock Exchange Board will help to increase focus on wider distribution for companies' shares. This in turn will help to create the right conditions for greater liquidity," comments Sven Arild Andersen, President of the Oslo Stock Exchange. Mr Andersen also pointed out that liquidity is a success criteria for all stock exchanges. The Stock Exchange Board resolved on 15 February 2000 on the basis of § 23-5 second paragraph, third point of the Stock Exchange Regulations, to grant an exemption to Petroleum Geo-Services ASA to allow the company to provide information pursuant to Chapter 5 and §§ 6-3 and 6-4 of the Stock Exchange Regulations only in English.