Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Oslo Børs: Extraordinary Dividend Payment

Date 23/08/2002

Confirmation from the auditor and board of Oslo Børs Holding ASA to the effect that the general meeting's resolution regarding payment of extraordinary dividend can be implemented, will be registered with the Register of Business Enterprises on 28 August 2002.

Persons who are shareholders of Oslo Børs Holding ASA as of 28 August 2002 will receive extraordinary dividend of NOK 14 per share. The share will be traded ex dividend on 29 August. Payment to shareholders will be undertaken by Verdipapirservice at Nordea Bank. The payment date will be 12 September 2002. Dividend to each shareholder will be transferred to the shareholder's bank account specified by the Central Securities Depository.