Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Oslo Børs: Schedule For The Burgundy Go-Live Weekend

Date 31/05/2013

Information on the schedule and planned activities for the Burgundy go-live weekend is found on this page: Schedule - Burgundy Go-live Weekend. We encourage all clients to check this page regularly during the go-live weekend as status updates, relevant information and important messages will be posted here.

Order book clean-up on Friday

Please note that no orders from the TRADExpress order book will be migrated to the Millennium Exchange order book and that clients need to delete their active orders this evening after regular trading has ended. Oslo Børs/Burgundy will remove all remaining orders from 16:50 in the Norwegian market, from 17:20 in the Danish market and from 17:50 in the Swedish and Finnish markets.

Please also note that no trades will be migrated over from TRADExpress to Millennium, which means that trades scheduled for delayed publication end of regular trading on Friday 31 May will not be published. Such trades must be re-entered in Millennium Exchange by the member firm on Monday with the true execution date.

Connectivity testing on Saturday

On Saturday 1 June all clients need to check connectivity from their production environment to all relevant Millennium gateways. There will be no order or trade activity. The Millennium production environment will be available for connectivity testing from 06:00 Saturday morning and until 13:00, and we encourage clients to start checking their connectivity as early as possible.

After checking and confirming connectivity, please submit the Go-live Connectivity Confirmation Form to by 13:00 hours (Oslo time).

OSLMIT Burgundy Go-live Connectivity Confirmation Form (docx, 167 kB)

Oslo Børs will on Saturday, before 15:00, make the final announcement to launch the Millennium Exchange on the Burgundy market places Monday 3 June. The announcement will be published on our Delta web and distributed to all subscribers of Millennium Information from Oslo Børs.

More detailed information on the activities during the go-live weekend is found in OSLMIT 505 Guide to Go-live:

OSLMIT 505 Guide to Go-live - issue 2.4 (pdf, 426 kB)

Read this newsarticle on the Oslo Børs website