For Oslo Børs the merger between OM and the Finnish exchange HEX, which operates both the Finnish stock exchange and the central securities depository, represents a further improvement to the Norex stock exchange alliance. The central concept of Norex was to bring together the Nordic exchanges and be seen as a single market for trading. Norex was not complete without the involvement of the Finnish exchange. Oslo Børs is therefore very pleased that HEX will now be part of the Nordic stock exchange collaboration.
The Finnish exchange intends to move on to the same trading system as the other Norex exchanges. This move will strengthen the distribution of all securities listed on the Norex exchanges, making it more attractive both to be listed on Oslo Børs and to buy and sell securities in the Norwegian market.
Investors will in future have access to the entire Nordic market through one and the same trading system. A unified market eases trading and makes Norwegian securities more accessible to foreign investors. Higher activity and liquidity is expected to improve the pricing process and lower transaction costs.
Bearing in mind the Norwegian market's dependence on foreign investors, it is very important that Oslo Børs participates in a strong Nordic network which improves market opportunities for our customers.