Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Oslo Børs Offers Complete Internet-Based IR Solutions

Date 10/09/2002

Oslo Børs has entered into an exclusive partnering agreement with to offer web-based investor relations (IR) products in Norway. This partnering is another facet of Oslo Børs´ efforts to improve communications by listed companies with their shareholders and the investment community - in Norway and worldwide. The objective is to make it easier for companies to produce and distribute world-class financial reporting and communications.

The IR products now offered by Oslo Børs and US-based provide a reliable infrastructure that integrates into a corporate website - and enables rapid and cost-effective professional IR services via the Internet.

The IR solutions offered are modular to suit a company´s specific IR needs. They are also highly adaptable; the on-screen displays blend into a company´s current website design and continue to express each company´s identity and the special features of its Internet presence. The IR solutions include:

  • Complete IR website solutions from a single service provider
  • Carefully tested IR products that have been in use for several years by some of the world´s largest corporations
  • Management tool that makes it simple for companies to display professional-looking IR pages on their websites, and a distribution tool for easy, rapid dissemination of news and press releases by IR staff.
The IR solutions offered in partnership with are in addition to Oslo Børs´ current IR services, which include courses, seminars, web presentations, and daily dialogue with companies listed on the exchange.

"Transparency and effective communications between companies and the investment community are vital to shareholders, efficient securities trade, and marketplace," says Oslo Børs Market Director Hege Sjo. "Oslo Børs is partnering with to provide Norwegian companies with reliable, customized e-based investor relations services."

About, established in 1991, is among the largest providers of web-based IR products worldwide. The company has a solid market position in the USA and Europe, and has some 750 listed companies as clients.

  • Customers in the USA include major corporations such as McDonalds, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Coca-Cola, and Nike.
  • In Europe, customers include ABN Amro, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Modern Times Group, UPC, BP Amoco plc, and Royal Ahold.