The conference to be held on Wednesday 2 October will focus on how globalisation in the world´s capital markets is increasing the demands investors place on the information and service that companies provide to their shareholders, and this important theme has attracted delegates from companies across the Nordic countries.
Oslo Børs has for some time now made a point of stressing how important it is that companies attach greater importance to IR. A study carried out by the American Investor Relations Magazine has reported an improvement in IR in the Nordic region. However many companies still have some way to go in this direction. Increasing exposure to foreign investors creates greater demand for high quality IR, and the impact of current difficult conditions in capital markets on investor confidence makes it even more important that companies strive to increase their commitment to IR. Oslo Børs therefore warmly welcomes the initiative taken by the Nordic Investor Relations associations to encourage a greater focus of attention on relationships between companies, their shareholders and the capital markets in general.
The conference on Wednesday 2 October will be held at the Homenkollen Park Hotel, followed in the evening by a dinner at which Investor Relations Magazine will announce its Nordic IR awards.