ACER is forming a new Expert Group to provide advice on peak-shaving products. We are looking for experts with relevant experience in electricity markets.
What are peak-shaving products?
Peak-shaving products are market-based tools that enable market participants to reduce their electricity consumption during peak demand periods in exchange for compensation.
Under the Electricity Market Design (EMD) Regulation, the Council can declare a regional or EU-wide electricity crisis if wholesale prices become excessively high. In such cases, Member States can direct system operators to use peak-shaving products to reduce power demand, helping to stabilise the grid and lower prices.
The EMD Regulation also mandates ACER to assess the potential impact of developing peak-shaving products on Europe’s electricity market under normal market conditions. To this end, ACER will launch a public consultation in spring 2025.
What will the Expert Group do?
The Expert Group will advise ACER on how developing peak-shaving products might affect the EU electricity market. Experts will explore the products’ feasibility, main benefits, and potential drawbacks. They will also advise ACER in assessing whether these products can be introduced without disrupting the functioning of electricity markets or redirecting existing demand response services towards peak-shaving products.
The group will operate until summer 2025, with the possibility of extending throughout the year for further analysis.
How to apply?
Follow the instructions in the Open Letter, ensuring that you fulfill all the criteria.
The deadline for application is Monday, 20 January 2025.
Read more about the Expert Group.