The Capital Markets Tribunal is pleased to announce the updated membership of the Securities Proceedings Advisory Committee (SPAC).
The SPAC advises the Governance & Tribunal Secretariat on a variety of policy and procedural initiatives relating to the Capital Markets Tribunal.
The SPAC includes members in good standing with the Law Society of Ontario who are currently practicing, or have within the last three years practiced, in securities litigation. Members serve three-year terms that may be extended. Staff from the Ontario Securities Commission’s (OSC’s) Enforcement, General Counsel’s Department and Governance & Tribunal Secretariat also serve on the Committee.
The Governance & Tribunal Secretariat is pleased to welcome Maureen Doherty, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, Ljiljana Stanic, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, and Stephanie Voudouris, Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP, and to extend the term of Jonathan Wansbrough, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP.
The Governance & Tribunal Secretariat gratefully acknowledges the contributions of John Picone, Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP and Sarah Bowden, Foreman & Company whose terms have recently concluded.
The Committee is currently composed of the following members:
- Simon Bieber, Adair Goldblatt Bieber LLP
- Robert Blair, Governance & Tribunal Secretariat, OSC
- Maureen Doherty, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
- Raphael T. Eghan, Dentons Canada LLP
- Derek Ferris, Enforcement, OSC
- Samantha Gordon, McMillan LLP
- Grace Knakowski, Governance & Tribunal Secretariat, OSC (Chair)
- Brian Kolenda, Lenczner Slaght LLP
- Karen Manarin, RCMP, Toronto Integrated Market Enforcement Team
- Anna K. Markiewicz, Crawley MacKewn Brush LLP
- Cullen Price, General Counsel’s Department, OSC
- Carolyn Slon, Governance & Tribunal Secretariat, OSC (secretary to SPAC)
- Ljiljana Stanic, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
- Johanna Superina, Enforcement, OSC
- Lauren Tomasich, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
- Natalia Vandervoort, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
- Stephanie Voudouris, Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP
- Jonathan Wansbrough, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Additional information about the SPAC, including its mandate, is available on the Capital Markets Tribunal’s website
The Capital Markets Tribunal is an independent division of the OSC that is assigned the power to conduct hearings under the Ontario Securities Act and the Commodity Futures Act and to independently determine all questions of fact or law in any proceeding before it under those Acts.