Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

OneChicago Breaks Daily Volume Record With More Than 100,000 Contracts

Date 06/06/2003

On June 5, two days after topping 100,000 contracts in open interest, OneChicago's daily contract volume also crossed the 100,000 threshold. The revised total volume traded at OneChicago on June 5 after firm adjustments was 101,087 contracts. In the Exchange's busiest day of trading since the Nov. 8 launch of security futures in the U.S., 13 different single stock futures traded more than 3,000 contracts, including:

Stock Volume (Contracts)
Cisco Systems Inc.  (CSCO1C) 6,768
Nokia Corporation ADR   (NOK1C) 6,701
Tyco International Ltd. (TYC1C) 6,324
Check Point Software Tech  (CHKP1C) 5,596
Dell Computer Corporation  (DELL1C)  4,877
Altera Corporation  (ALTR1C)  4,540
Broadcom Corp  (BRCM1C)  3,984
Citigroup Inc.  (C1C) 3,954
J.P. Morgan Chase Co.(JPM1C) 3,820
Xilinx Inc.  (XLNX1C)   3,552

American Express  (AXP1C)  

Schlumberger Ltd. (SLB1C)   3,104
Merrill Lynch Co. Inc. (MER1C) 3,094

June 6 open interest will reflect firm adjustments to June 5 reported levels.

The Exchange wishes to thank their members, traders, brokers, vendors and other market participants who are working together to build a liquid, dynamic marketplace at OneChicago. "We appreciate your business"