Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

OM Stockholm Exchange Launches Attract40 And Revises Its lLsts

Date 04/05/2000

OM Stockholm Exchange will introduce a new segment within the O-list - Attract40. The companies in this segment will be chosen according to objective criterion. At the same time, the O-list and the OTC-list will be combined and be named the O-list. These changes will take effect on 3rd July this year.

"It has always been OM's role to introduce new concepts as a response to demands from our customers. By implementing this new concept we will make it easier for retail investors and foreign investors to find interesting Swedish companies," says Carl Johan Högbom, president of OM Stockholm Exchange.

Attract40 contains companies that the market has shown special interest for, during the past 6 months. The criterion the companies must reach are; that the turnover rate of the stock must be twice the turnover rate of the exchange as a whole, or that the average daily turnover is more than 16 million SEK and the market capitalization is more than 7 billion SEK. The free market capitalization must be more than 500 million SEK and market information must also be given in English. The companies under observation cannot be considered.