Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

OM Gruppen's AGM - "With Our Spearhead Competence Within The Field Of Transaction Technology, The Opportunities Open To Us Are More Or Less Infinite"

Date 21/03/2000

"An equity revolution is currently sweeping across Europe. In country after country people's interest in equity trading and saving is on the increase. Our universal exchange platform, Jiway, is riding this wave. We are creating a trans-European equity market where everyday investors can trade shares across borders at reasonable prices", said OM Gruppen's CEO Per E. Larsson in his speech at the Annual General Meeting in Stockholm last night. "OM is delivering the exchange know-how and technology that makes this possible. With our spearhead competence within the field of transaction technology, the opportunities open to us are more or less infinite."

A dividend payment to shareholders of SEK 5.00 (4.50) per share was approved. The record day for dividend payments will be March 23 2000 with payment expected to be made by the Swedish Central Securities Depository (VPC) on March 28 2000.

Thomas Franzén, Lars Irstad, Per E. Larsson, Sven Nyman, Bengt Rydén and Olof Stenhammar were re-elected as Members of the Board, and Jan Carendi and Nils-Fredrik Nyblæus were elected to the Board for the first time. Johan Björkman and Arne Mårtensson had declined re-election.

Per E. Larsson's address to the AGM can be read in its entirety on OM's website (