Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

OM: EDX London To Begin Trading 30 June 2003

Date 27/06/2003

EDX London, a new equity derivatives business jointly owned by London Stock Exchange plc and OM AB, will commence trading Scandinavian equity derivatives on Monday 30 June 2003. Com-pletion of this deal follows EDX London's approval as a Recognised Investment Exchange by the Financial Services Authority. See also today's joint press release on

The completion of EDX London will have an expected positive net income effect for OM of ap-proximately SEK 100 m, which will be accounted for in the second quarter of 2003. Additional positive net income effect for OM of a maximum of SEK 100 m will be accounted for in 2006, depending upon development of transaction volumes.

In addition to OM receiving future earnings from its 24 per cent ownership in EDX London, Stockholmsbörsen will receive an annual contribution from EDX London's future revenues from Swedish derivatives, starting in January 2006.