Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

NZX Salutes Lloyd Morrison

Date 10/02/2012

NZX salutes Lloyd Morrison - without whom New Zealand’s capital markets would likely be foreign owned.

It was Lloyd’s passion, energy, vision and determination that saw a bid to acquire the then NZSE rejected 10 years ago. And it was Lloyd’s ongoing energy and commitment as a director that drove NZX to build our markets for the benefit of Kiwi companies.

When Lloyd resigned his directorship, he did not resile from his absolute conviction that New Zealand companies needed to grow from New Zealand, to the world.

Infratil is a great New Zealand company, rising from an idea to own and operate critical infrastructure, and have a meaningful offshore presence.

Lloyd's influence has been felt by everyone in the New Zealand capital markets, and on behalf of everyone, NZX salutes a remarkable man, and a remarkable leader.