Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

NZX Operating Metrics - November 2007

Date 04/12/2007


  • Average number of daily trades was 2,524 for November, a 4% increase on the same period in 2006.
  • Total capital raised in 2007 will easily close up strongly on last year with a total of $4.65 billion equity and debt raised year to date.
  • Number of NZX Data Real time terminals has increased to 10,401, up 25% on the same period last year.
  • Instalment warrant trades showed good growth, up 63% year on year.
  • Smartshares has $611 million in funds under management, up 27% on the same period last year.


  • Average number of daily trades was 2,524 for November, a 4% increase on the same period in 2006.
  • Total number of trades was 55,537, a 4% increase on the same period last year.
  • Total value traded in November was $3.361 billion. Average daily value traded was $153 million
  • Total number of trades for the NZSX was 52,194 for November, a 4% increase on the same period last year. Total value traded on the NZSX was $3.256 billion for November, a 1% increase on the same period last year.
  • Total number of trades for the NZAX was 559 for November. Total value traded on the NZAX was $2 million.
  • Total number of trades for the NZDX was 2,784 for November. Total value traded on the NZDX was $102 million.

Capital Raised

  • There was $193 million of new equity raised in November.
  • Total capital raised is $4.65 billion year to date, split equally between equity and debt.

Graph of Capital Raised for the month of November 07


  • The total number of instalment warrants trades in November was 1,153, a 63% increase on the same period last year. Total value traded for instalment warrants for November was $8 million.
  • Smartshares funds under management (FUM) is $611 million across its five ETFs, a 27% increase on the same period last year. Smartshares has a total of 14,994 unitholders.
  • Number of NZX Real Time Data terminals has increased to 10,401, a 25% increase on the same period last year.

You can view the full NZX Market Month for November Here

*Please note following feedback from readers the NZX Operating Metrics have moved to a new format.