Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

NZX Operating Metrics - July 2007

Date 07/08/2007


The NZX 50 Index ended the month on 4,213, an 18% increase since July 2006.

  • The new Trayport Trading system went live on July 3. A new closing auction and anonymous trading were also introduced in July.
  • There are now 9,703 real time data terminals providing NZX Market Information through Reuters, Bloomberg, IRESS and other data vendors all over the globe.
  • Average daily value traded in July was $154 million, a 15% increase on July 2006. The last week of July averaged $186 million in daily value traded, the second highest weekly average of the year.
  • Average daily trade numbers were 2,332 for the month, down 1%, albeit with a strong second half of the month.
  • Total capital raised in July was up 270% on the same period last year, with $341 million capital raised, compared with $92 million in July 2006.
  • Total equity raised in July was up 410% at $265 million, compared with $52 million in July 2006. Total debt raised was up 90% at $76 million, compared with $40 million in July 2006.
  • Total capital raised on the NZX markets year to date was up 38% on the same period last year at $2.991 billion, compared with $2.163 billion in 2006.

    Capital Raised - July 2007

    You can view the NZX Market Month July 2007 Here.

    *Please note following feedback from readers the NZX Operating Metrics have moved to a new format.