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FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

NZX: ABN AMRO List A Further Seven Instalment Warrants Today

Date 09/10/2006

New Zealand Exchange Limited (NZX) is pleased to welcome to the market a further seven series of Rolling Instalment Warrants from ABN AMRO Equity Derivatives New Zealand Limited.

This brings the number of instalment warrants on the New Zealand market to 37.

NZX Head of Products Geoff Brown said, “We are delighted to see ABN AMRO continue to provide additional opportunities for investors in the instalment warrants space, these are a healthy addition to the range of products available on the NZSX.”

Warrants have long been popular in overseas markets but were unavailable to investors as a portfolio leveraging tool in New Zealand until April 2005. Since then 9,093 warrant trades have been executed, of $133 million in value.

The seven new warrants cover Property for Industry Limited, Ryman Healthcare Limited, Skellerup Holdings Limited, Contact Energy Limited, Fisher & Paykel Appliances Holdings Limited, Sky City Entertainment Group Limited and Sky Network Television Limited. The prospectus for the warrants was registered on 31 March 2006.

The new warrants will trade under the following codes: PFIIZA, RYMIZA, SKLIZA, CENIZB, FPAIZB, SKCIZB and SKTIZB.