NYLQ is a firm, two-sided, real-time quote that reflects trading interest in size greater than that typically available at the best bid or offer.
NYLQ was developed to allow investors and market professionals to find the market size and depth that has become more critical since the introduction of decimal increments and penny spreads.
NYLQ is disseminated in addition to the currently available best bid and offer through all major market-data vendors. NYLQ can be accessed electronically or through a broker at the point of sale and is Institutional XpressSM eligible.
The NYSE will evaluate the results of the initial rollout over the next several weeks to determine the time and scope of its expansion into other stocks.
For more information on NYSE LiquidityQuote go to www.nysedata.com/liquidity. NYLQ is the latest addition to the Network NYSE suite of information products and execution services.