Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

NYSE Euronext Business Summary For August 2008

Date 05/09/2008

  • Total Cash Equities and Derivatives Volumes Declined y-o-y but Remained Strong y-t-d-
  • NYSE Euronext Registered Increases in ETF Listings and Transaction Volume-
  • Bclear Activity Nearly Doubled y-o-y and NYSE Arca Options Maintained Steady Growth-

NYSE Euronext (NYX) reported transaction volumes for its global cash equities and derivatives exchanges for August 2008. Despite a decline in year-over-year volume from August 2007, which was the most active August in NYSE Euronext history due to extraordinary market conditions, year-to-date volumes in 2008 remained strong with double-digit growth across all of NYSE Euronext's products and exchanges.Global Cash Equities:

  • NYSE Euronext's five European cash equity exchanges traded an average daily volume of 1.2 million transactions in August 2008, down 14.4% compared to August 2007. Total monthly cash volume decreased 21.8% with 26.0 million transactions compared to August 2007's record number of 33.3 million transactions. This year-over-year decrease can be attributed to market conditions that resulted in record trading activity in NYSE Euronext markets in August 2007.

  • Year-to-date, total cash volume on Euronext has increased 20.1% compared to the same period in 2007. Additionally, Euronext registered a year-to-date increase of 30.0% in ETF transactions compared to the same period in 2007.

  • In August 2008, NYSE Euronext's two U.S. cash exchanges reported average daily volume of 2.8 billion shares per day, down 23.3% from August 2007. Total monthly cash volume decreased 30.0% with 58.0 million shares traded compared to the same period last year. Year-to-date, total cash volumes have increased 9.9% compared to the same period in 2007.

  • NYSE Euronext's U.S. exchanges total matched average daily trading volume for NYSE Arca and Amex-listed (Tape B) issues increased 5.9% for August while NYSE-listed (Tape A) issues decreased 29.5%, Nasdaq-listed (Tape C) issues decreased 16.5% and ETFs decreased 17.6%. NYSE's matched share of Nasdaq-listed volume increased to almost 17.0% this August. Additionally, year-to-date ETF transactions registered an increase of 44.1% versus the same period in 2007.

Global Derivatives:

  • NYSE Euronext's European derivatives trading operations on Liffe traded 63.5 million futures and options contracts during the month of August representing a decrease of 38.9% versus August 2007. Year-to-date, Liffe traded more than 708.0 million contracts, up 12.6% for the same period in 2007.

  • Bclear processed a new annual record of 123.3 million equity derivative contracts year-to-date, an increase of 64.1% versus the same period last year. During the month of August, Bclear processed more than 8.6 million contracts with an increase of 93.4%, nearly double the number in August 2007.

  • NYSE Arca Options registered an average daily volume increase of 1.1% during the month of August 2008 versus the same period last year, which can be partially attributed to fewer trading days in the month. Total equity options volume on NYSE Arca decreased by 7.7% in August compared to the August 2007. Year-to-date, total NYSE Arca options volume increased 45% compared to the same period last year.

  • For equity options trading in the SEC Penny Pilot program, NYSE Arca Options executed 14.1% of all eligible issues in August 2008 and 15.0% year-to-date.

Global Listings:

  • In August, NYSE Euronext's markets added 17 new corporate listings, including three IPOs in the U.S. and one in Europe. Total IPO proceeds raised during the month of August were $386.6/ EUR 262.17 million.

  • NYSE Euronext's U.S. markets had 13 new listings, of which three were IPOs, raising approximately $379/ EUR 257 million in connection with listing.

  • NYSE Euronext's European markets had four new listings in August, of which one was an IPO representing $7.6/ EUR 5.12 million raised. China Photovoltaic Group joined Alternext as the ninth new listing in 2008, and Thenergo dual-listed on Euronext Paris and Brussels.

  • NYSE listed three structured products while NYSE Arca listed four Exchange Traded Products, bringing the total number of Exchange Traded Products listed on all NYSE Euronext markets to 694.

Please click here for the Monthly Transaction Activity Data Table.