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NYSE Chief Executive Officer John Thain And Robert Britz NYSE President And Chief Operating Officer Testify At SEC Hearing On Proposed Regulation NMS

Date 21/04/2004

Today, John A. Thain, NYSE Chief Executive Officer and Robert G. Britz, NYSE President and Chief Operating Officer testify at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Hearing on proposed Regulation NMS. NYSE members also will testify.

The SEC recently proposed Regulation NMS to enhance and modernize the regulatory structure of the U.S. equity markets to deal with a number of issues that have arisen since the creation of the National Market System (NMS) in 1975.

The full hearing will be webcast live beginning at 9:00 a.m. and can be viewed here.

Read the complete written testimony of John A. Thain and Robert G. Britz for this hearing.

9:00 a.m. Opening remarks by SEC Chairman William Donaldson

9:10 a.m. Introduction of issues by SEC Director Annette Nazareth

9:20 a.m. Panel 1 - Trade-Through Rule (John Thain to testify)

10:30 a.m. Panel 2 - Trade-Through Proposal (Robert Fagenson, NYSE Member to testify)

11:30 a.m. Panel 3 - Market Structure: Combining Traditional Trading Floor with an Automatic Execution Facility (John Thain to testify, Michael LaBranche and Jennifer Williams, NYSE Members to testify)

1:30 p.m. Panel 4 - Market Access Proposal (Linkage)

2:30 p.m. Panel 5 - Market Access Proposal (Access Fees) (Robert Britz to testify)

3:45 p.m. Panel 6 - Sub-Penny Quoting Proposal

4:30 p.m. Panel 7 - Market Data Proposal (Robert Britz to testify)

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