Mr. Ribbentrop, 54, will be responsible for managing the Exchange's relationships with Congress, the Executive branch, state and city governments and regulatory agencies, including the Securities and Exchange Commission. He will also be responsible for public affairs relating to government.
Mr. Ribbentrop will be based in Washington, D.C. and manage the NYSE's Washington office and Government Relations staff in New York. He will report to NYSE Chairman and CEO Richard A. Grasso.
"We are delighted to have Dick join the New York Stock Exchange. His years of experience on the Hill and his active participation in the legislative process will be invaluable in communicating the interests of investors, issuers and members," Mr. Grasso said.
For the past 14 years Mr. Ribbentrop has been the director of legislative operations for Sen. Phil Gramm, R-Tex., chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, where Mr. Ribbentrop managed the senator's legislative agenda, including his activities on the committees on finance and budget. Mr. Ribbentrop has written legislation, coordinated committee hearings, served as principal strategist in numerous Senate floor debates and been the chief liaison to the Executive branch.
Prior to his joining Sen. Gramm's office, Mr. Ribbentrop was legislative director for Sen. Mack Mattingly, R-Ga., and executive director of the Senate Steering Committee. Mr. Ribbentrop holds a Bachelor of Arts from Glassboro State College.