Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Nymex To Raise Margins On Natural Gas Futures, Henry Hub Natural Gas Swaps, Natural Gas e-miNYs

Date 14/12/2002

The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., today announced margin rate changes on the first two months of its natural gas futures and Henry Hub natural gas swaps, and on its natural gas e-miNY contracts as of the close of business Monday, December 16.

The margins for natural gas futures contracts will be raised from $3,500 to $4,500 for clearing members, from $3,850 to $4,950 for members, and from $4,725 to $6,075 for customers. The margins for all other months remain unchanged.

The margins for Henry Hub natural gas swaps will be raised from $875 to $1,125 for clearing members, from $963 to $1,238 for members, and from $1,181 to $1,519 for customers. The margins for all other months remain unchanged.

e-miNY natural gas futures margins will be raised from $1,400 to $1,800 for clearing members, from $1,540 to $1,980 for members, and from $1,890 to $2,430 for customers.

The spot month for intra-commodity margins on natural gas futures will increase from $500 to $1,000 for clearing members, from $550 to $1,100 for members, and from $675 to $1,350 for customers. The second month will increase from $250 to $1,000 for clearing members, from $275 to $1,100 for members, and from $338 to $1,350 for customers. The margins for all other months remain unchanged.

The spot month for intra-commodity margins on Henry Hub natural gas swaps will increase from $125 to $250 for clearing members, from $138 to $275 for members, and from $169 to $338 for customers. The second month will increase from $63 to $250 for clearing members, from $69 to $275 for members, and from $85 to $338 for customers. The margins for all other months remain unchanged.