Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Nymex To Raise Margins On Crude Oil And Petroleum Products Futures Contracts

Date 27/02/2003

The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., announced today that it will increase the margins on e-miNYsm crude oil, heating oil, unleaded gasoline, and six of its crude oil futures contracts at the close of business tomorrow.

Margin rates on the light, sweet crude oil; Light Louisiana Sweet crude oil; West Texas Sour crude oil; West Texas Intermediate-Midland crude oil; Mars Blend crude oil; Brent crude oil; and unleaded gasoline futures contracts will increase to $4,000 from $3,000 for clearing members, to $4,400 from $3,300 for members, and to $5,400 from $4,050 for customers.

The margins on e-miNYsm crude oil futures contracts will increase to $1,600 from $1,200 for clearing members, to $1,760 from $1,320 for members, and to $2,160 from $1,620 for customers.

Margins on heating oil futures contracts will increase to $4,000 from $3,500 for clearing members, to $4,400 from $3,850 for members, and to $5,400 from $4,725 for customers.