Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Nymex To List Additional Trading Months For Natural Gas And Light, Sweet Crude Options

Date 18/04/2002

The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., will begin listing additional trading months in its two largest options contracts beginning tomorrow, the Exchange said. The natural gas options contract, which currently lists 12 consecutive monthly expirations, plus 20 additional quarterly expirations on a March, June, September, December cycle, will be listed for 36 consecutive months into the future, with additional quarterly expirations for three years on a March, June, September, December cycle.

Three additional expiration months on a December cycle will be added for light, sweet crude oil options 48, 60, and 72 months out. These will be in addition to the currently listed 12 consecutive monthly expirations, plus 18, 24, and 36 months on a June-December cycle.

Exchange President J. Robert Collins, Jr., said, "Through the end of last week, volume in the natural gas options contract was up 219% over the same period last year, and light, sweet crude oil options volume was up 77%. Not only does the liquidity and interest we're experiencing offer an indication of strong timing for an expansion of services, but these additional long-dated months constitute yet another step in our efforts to replicate over-the-counter instruments in a cleared environment."