Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

NYMEX To Launch 16 New Natural Gas Basis Swap Futures Contracts

Date 05/05/2006

The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc. today announced that it will launch 16 new natural gas swap futures contracts that will begin trading on NYMEX ClearPort® on May 7 for trade date May 8.

The new futures contracts and their commodity codes are: Dawn natural gas basis swap (DW); Dawn natural gas swing swap (OW); Dawn natural gas index swap (IO); NGPL TexOk natural gas swing swap (OX); NGPL TexOk natural gas index swap (OI); ANR Oklahoma natural gas swing swap (SQ); ANR Oklahoma natural gas index swap (IQ); CenterPoint natural gas basis swap (PW); CenterPoint natuarl gas swing swap (VX); CenterPoint natural gas index swap (II); NGPL Mid-Con natural gas swing swap (PX); NGPL Mid–Con natural gas index swap (IW); Demarc natural gas swing swap (DT); Demarc natural gas index swap (DI); Ventura natural gas swing index (VS); and Ventura natural gas index swap (VI).

All contracts will be 2,500 million British thermal units (mmBtu) in size with a minimum price fluctuation of $0.0025 per mmBtu. All natural gas basis and index swap futures contracts will be listed for 36 consecutive months beginning with the June 2006 contract. Natural gas swing swap futures contracts will initially be listed from May 8 to June 30, 2006.

NYMEX ClearPort® clearing and the cash settlement fees will be $0.54 for members and $0.67 for non-members. For NYMEX ClearPort® trading, liquidity providers will be paid $0.25 per contract and the opposite side will pay an all inclusive fee of $0.65 per contract.

The position accountability levels for all of the new contracts will be 10,000 contracts for any single month or all months. Clearing members must identify customers with a position of 25 or more contracts to the Exchange.

For the last three days of the expiring month, Dawn natural gas basis swap, Dawn natural gas swing swap, Dawn natural gas index swap, CenterPoint natural gas basis swap, CenterPoint natuarl gas swing swap, CenterPoint natural gas index swap, Ventura natural gas swing index (VS), and Ventura natural gas index swap futures contracts have a 2,000-contract position accountability level; NGPL TexOk natural gas swing swap, NGPL TexOk natural gas index swap, Demarc natural gas swing swap, and Demarc natural gas index swap futures contracts have a 1,000-contract position accountability level; and ANR Oklahoma natural gas swing swap, ANR Oklahoma natural gas index swap, NGPL Mid–Con natural gas swing swap, and NGPL Mid–Con natrual gas index swap futures contracts have a 500-contract position accountability level.