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Nymex To Change Margin Rates On Henry Hub Natural Gas, Swap, e-miNY Futures, And Certain Natural Gas Basis Contracts

Date 25/02/2003

The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., announced today that it will change the rates on its Henry Hub natural gas futures, swap futures, e-miNY futures, and certain natural gas basis contracts, as of the close of business tomorrow.

The Exchange will increase the margin rates on the first two months of its Henry Hub natural gas futures contracts to $9,000 from $7,000 for clearing members; to $9,900 from $7,700 for members; and to $12,150 from $9,450 for customers. The rates for the third to sixth months will increase to $6,000 from $5,000 for clearing members; to $6,600 to $5,500 for members; and to $8,100 from $6,750 for customers. The rates for all other months will remain unchanged.

The margin rates on Henry Hub swap futures will increase for the first two months to $2,250 from $1,750 for clearing members; to $2,475 from $1,925 for members; and to $3,038 from $2,363 for customers. The rates for the third to sixth months will increase to $1,500 from $1,250 for clearing members; to $1,650 from $1,375 for members; and to $2,025 from $1,688 for customers. The rates on all other months will remain the same.

The margin rates on e-miNYsm natural gas futures will increase for all months to $3,600 from $2,800 for clearing members; to $3,960 from $3,080 for members; and to $4,860 from $3,780 for customers.

The rates on intra-month spreads in the Henry Hub natural gas futures contracts involving the first two months will increase to $2,000 from $1,000 for clearing members; to $2,200 from $1,100 for members; and to $2,700 from $1,350 for customers. Rates for spreads involving the third to sixth months will increase to $500 from $250 for clearing members; to $550 from $275 for members; and to $675 from $338 for customers. The rates for other months will remain unchanged.

The rates on intra-month spreads in the Henry Hub swap futures contract involving the first two months will increase to $500 from $250 for clearing members; to $550 from $275 for members; and to $675 from $338 for customers. Rates for those involving the third month to sixth months will increase to $125 from $63 for clearing members; to $138 from $69 for members; and to $169 from $85 for customers. The rates on spreads involving all other months will remain unchanged.

The intra-month spread margin rates for e-miNYsm natural gas futures will increase to $800 from $400 for clearing members; to $880 from $440 for members; and to $1,080 from $540 for customers.

Margins for the Alberta natural gas basis contract for the first month will increase to $525 from $510 for clearing members; to $578 from $561 for members; to $709 from $689 for customers. Margins on the second month will increase to $400 from $200 for clearing members; $440 from $220 for members; and $540 from $270 for customers. Margins on the third to 12th months will remain unchanged. Margins on the 13th month and beyond will decrease to $100 from $200 for clearing members; to $110 from $220 for members; and to $135 from $270 for customers.

The margin rates on the Chicago basis contract for the first month will decrease to $170 from $175 for clearing members; to $187 from $193 for members; to $230 from $236 for customers. Margins on the second month will decrease to $100 from $175 for clearing members; to $110 from $193 for members; and $135 from $236 for customers.

The margin rates on the Henry Hub natural gas basis contract for the first month will decrease to $50 from $90 for clearing members; to $55 from $99 for members; and to $68 from $122 for customers. Margins on the second month will decrease to $25 from $90 for clearing members; $28 from $99 for members; and $34 from $122 for customers.

The margin rates on the Houston Ship Channel basis contract for the first month will remain the same and the second month will increase to $100 from $50 for clearing members; to $110 from $55 for members; to $135 from $68 for customers.

The margin rates on the San Juan basis contract for the first two months will increase to $500 from $350 for clearing members; to $550 from $385 for members; to $675 from $473 for customers.

The margin rates on the Southern California basis contract for the first month will decrease to $400 from $450 for clearing members; to $440 from $495 for members; and to $540 from $608 for customers. The rates on all other months will remain unchanged.

The margin rates on the Transco Zone 6 basis contract for the first two months will remain the same. Margins on the third to 12th months will decrease to $200 from 250 for clearing members; to $220 from $275 for members; and to $270 from $338 for customers. Margins on the 13th month and beyond will decrease to $150 from $250 for clearing members; to $165 from $275 for members; and to $203 from $338 for customers.

The margin rates on the Northwest Pipeline, Rockies, basis contract for the first month will increase to $1,800 from $950 for clearing members; to $1,980 from $1,045 for members; and to $2,430 from $1,283 for customers. Margins on the second month will increase to $1,200 from $750 for clearing members; to $1,320 from $825 for members; and to $1,620 from $1,013 for customers. Margins on the third to sixth months will increase to $1,000 from $750 for clearing members, to $1,100 from $825 for members; to $1,350 from $1,013 for customers. Margins on the seventh to 12th months will decrease to $600 from $750 for clearing members; to $660 from $825 for members; and to $810 from $1,013 for customers. Margins on the 13th month and beyond will decrease to $400 from $750 for clearing members; to $440 from $825 for members; and to $540 from $1,013 for customers.

The margin rates on the Panhandle basis contract will increase for the first month to $175 from $150 for clearing members; to $193 from $165 for members; and to $236 from $203 for customers. Margins on the second month will increase to $100 from $75 for clearing members; to $110 from $83 for members; and to $135 from $101 for customers.

The margin rates on the MichCon Pipeline basis contract will increase for the first month to $250 from $50 for clearing members; to $275 from $55 for members; and to $338 from $68 for customers. Margins on the second month will increase to $100 from $50 for clearing members; to $110 from $55 for members; and to $135 from $68 for customers.

The margin rates on the Permian basis contract will increase for the first month to $350 from $300 for clearing members; to $385 from $330 for members; and to $473 from $405 for customers. Margins on the second month will increase to $250 from $175 for clearing members; to $275 from $193 for members; and to $338 from $236 for customers.

The margin rates on the Texas Eastern Zone M-3 basis will increase for the first month to $450 from $350 for clearing members; to $495 from $385 for members; and to $608 from $473 for customers. Margins on the second month will increase to $250 from $75 for clearing members; to $275 from $83 for members; and to $338 from $101 for customers.

The margin rates on the TCO basis contract will increase for the first month to $150 from $100 for clearing members; to $165 from $110 for members; and to $203 from $135 for customers. Margins on the second month will increase to $100 from $50 for clearing members; to $110 from $55 for members; and to $135 from $68 for customers.

The margin rates on the PG&E Malin basis contract will decrease for the first month to $400 from $600 for clearing members; to $440 from $660 for members; and to $540 from $810 for customers. All other months will remain unchanged.

The margin rates on the PG&E Citygate basis contract will decrease for the first month to $375 from $450 for clearing members; to $413 from $495 for members; and to $506 from $608 for customers. Margins on the second month will decrease to $250 from $450 for clearing members; to $275 from $495 for members; and to $338 from $608 for customers.

The margin rates on the NGPL Texas Oklahoma basis contract will decrease for the first month to $125 from $150 for clearing members; to $138 from $165 for members; and to $169 from $203 for customers. Margins no all other months will remain unchanged.

The margin rates on the ANR Oklahoma basis contract will increase to for the first month $125 from $100 for clearing members; to $138 from $110 for members; and to $169 from $135 for customers. Margins on the second month will increase to $100 from $50 for clearing members; to $110 from $55 for members; and to $135 from $68 for customers.

The margin rates on the Sumas basis contract will decrease for the first month to $300 from $650 for clearing members; to $330 from $715 for members; and to $405 from $878 for customers. Margins on all other months will remain unchanged.

The margin rates on the NGPL Mid-Continent basis contract will decrease for the first month to $200 from $300 for clearing members; to $220 from $330 for members; and to $270 from $405 for customers. Margins on the second month will increase to $150 from $100 for clearing members; to $165 from $110 for members; and to $203 from $135 for customers.

The margin rates on the Northern Natural Gas Demarcation basis contract will increase for the first month to $200 from $125 for clearing members; to $220 from $138 for members; and to $270 from $169 for customers. Margins on the second month will increase to $100 from $50 for clearing members; to $110 from $55 for members; and to $135 from $68 for customers.

The margin rates on the Dominion Transmission Inc. Appalachia basis contract will increase for the first month to $200 from $150 for clearing members; to $275 from $165 for members; and to $338 from $203 for customers. Margins on the second month will increase to $200 from $100 for clearing members; to $220 from $110 for members; and to $270 from $135 for customers.