Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Nymex Sets Record for Cleared OTC Transactions

Date 21/11/2002

The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., announced today that yesterday it cleared a single-session record $1.2 billion in over-the-counter (OTC) natural gas and electricity transactions, the equivalent of 307.5 trillion British thermal units (Btus) of natural gas and 119,200 megawatt hours of electricity.

This exceeds the previous session record of $514 billion in cleared OTC transactions, equal to 132.9 trillion Btus of natural gas and 51,200 megawatt hours of electricity set on September 26.

Since OTC clearing services were launched on May 31, more than $3.4 billion worth of transactions have been cleared through November 20, the equivalent of 883.2 trillion British thermal units (Btus) of natural gas and 322,400 megawatt hours of electricity.

OTC open interest as of November 20 was valued at $2.2 billion and was the equivalent of 584.6 trillion Btus of natural gas and 84,800 megawatt hours of electricity.

Exchange President J. Robert Collins, Jr., said, "The rapid growth in our cleared OTC products, is a solid indication of market participants desire to conduct business with the security and reliability of the Exchange clearinghouse behind the transactions."