Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

NYMEX Sets NYMEX Division Daily Records

Date 13/10/2000

Daily records were set yesterday on the NYMEX Division of the New York Mercantile Exchange for Division-wide volume; futures volume; options volume; energy futures volume; and crude oil futures volume.

Records included: Futures and options at 654,882 contracts, surpassing the previous record of 567,271 contracts traded on October 8, 1999; Futures with 512,121 contracts topping the previous record of 462,567 contracts traded on the same day; Energy futures which traded 511,743 contracts versus the previous record of 460,857 contacts also set on October 8, 1999; Options trading with 142,761 contracts exceeding the 120,338 contracts traded on September 7, 2000; Crude oil futures with a record of 329,441 contracts surpassing the previous record of 274,975 contracts set on October 8, 1999.

Exchange Chairman Daniel Rappaport said, "We are gratified that the global oil industry continues to recognize the supremacy of the Exchange markets for liquidity, efficiency, and price discovery in periods of heightened risk management need."