The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., today announced margin increases for its Gulf Coast Gasoline vs. Gulf Coast heating oil spread swap, Gulf Coast Jet vs. New York Harbor No. 2 heating oil spread swap, New York Harbor unleaded gasoline vs. New York Harbor No. 2 heating oil spread swap, Gulf Coast No. 2 heating oil crack spread swap, Gulf Coast unleaded 87 gasoline crack spread swap, No. 2 heating oil updown spread swap, unleaded 87 gasoline updown spread swap , Gulf coast gasoline calendar swap, Gulf Coast heating oil calendar swap, Gulf Coast jet fuel calendar swaps, NY Harbor heating oil crack spread calendar swap and, NY Harbor gasoline crack spread calendar swap futures contracts, effective at the close of business September 27.
Margins on first month of the NY Harbor heating oil crack spread calendar swap futures contracts will increase to $4,375 from $3,500 for clearing members; to $4,813 from $3,850 for members; and to $5,906 from $4,725 for customers. The margins on the second through sixth month will increase to $4,025 from $3,413 for clearing members; to $4,428 from $3,754 for members; and to $5,434 from $4,608 for customers. Margins on the 7th through 11th month will increase to $3,675 from $3,238 for clearing members; to $4,043 from $3,562 for members; and to $4,961 from $4,371 for customers. The margins on all other months will increase to $2,800 from $2,363 for clearing members; to $3,080 from $2,599 for members; and to $3,780 from $3,190 for customers.
The margins on No. 2 heating oil updown spread swap futures contracts will increase to $675 from $500 for clearing members; to $743 from $550 for members; and to $911 from $675 for customers.
Margins on unleaded 87 gasoline updown spread swap futures contracts will increase to $1,500 from $725 for clearing members; to $1,650 from $798 for members; and to $2,025 from $979 for customers.
Margins on the Gulf Coast gasoline calendar swap futures contracts will increase to $7,000 from $6,000 for clearing members; to $7,700 from $6,600 for members; and to $9,450 from $8,100 for customers.
The margins on the Gulf coast heating oil calendar swap futures contracts will increase to $6,000 from $4,500 for clearing members; to $6,600 from $4,950 for members; and to $8,100 from $6,075 for customers.
The margins on the Gulf Coast Jet Fuel calendar swap futures contracts will increase to $5,500 from $4,500 for clearing members; to $6,050 from $4,950 for members; and to $7,425 from $6,075 for customers.
Margins on the NY Harbor Gasoline Crack Spread Calendar Swap futures contracts will increase to $5,500 from $4,550 for clearing members; to $6,050 from $5,005 for members; and to $7,425 from $6,143 for customers.
The margins on the Gulf Coast No. 2 heating oil crack spread swap futures contracts will increase to $3,500 from $3,150 for clearing members; to $3,850 from $3,465 for members; and to $4,725 from $4,253 for customers.
Margins on the Gulf Coast unleaded 87 gasoline crack spread swap futures contracts will increase to $4,025 from $4,675 for clearing members; to $4,428 from $4,043 for members; and to $5,434 from $4,961 for customers.
The margins on the New York Harbor unleaded gasoline vs. New York Harbor No. 2 heating oil spread swap futures contracts will increase to $4,500 from $3,500 for clearing members; to $4,950 from $3,850 for members; and to $6,075 from $4,725 for customers.
Margins on the Gulf Coast gasoline vs. Gulf Coast heating oil spread swap futures contracts will increase to $3,125 from $2,625 for clearing members; to $3,438 from $2,888 for members; and to $4,219 from $3,544 for customers.
The margins on the Gulf Coast Jet vs. New York Harbor No. 2 heating oil spread swap futures contracts will increase to $700 from $500 for clearing members; to $770 from $550 for members; and to $945 from $675 for customers.
FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:
Nymex: Margin Rate Changes For The Clearport® Petroleum Product & Spread Futures Contracts
Date 26/09/2005