Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Nymex Changes Margins, And Spot Month Assessment Fees On Some Natural Gas Basis, And Index Swap Futures Contracts

Date 08/12/2004

The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., will change the margins and spot month assessment fees on some of the NYMEX Division natural gas basis and index swap futures contracts at the close of business today.

Margins on the spot month and second month of the Alberta gas basis swap futures contract will remain unchanged. Margins on the 3rd through 12th month will decrease to $100 from $125 for clearing members, to $110 from $138 for members, and to $135 from $169 for customers. Margins on the 12th month and beyond will increase to $80 from $50 for clearing members, to $88 from $55 for members, and to $108 from $68 for customers. Spot month assessments will increase to $1,000 from $100 for clearing members, to $1,100 from $110 for members, and to $1,350 from $135 for customers.

Margins on the spot month of the Chicago basis swap futures contract will increase to $200 from $50 for clearing members, to $220 from $55 for members, and to $270 from $68 for customers. Margins on all other months will increase to $100 from $50 for clearing members, to $110 from $55 for members, and to $135 from $68 for customers. Spot month assessments will increase to $1,000 from $100 for clearing members, to $1,100 from $110 for members, and to $1,350 from $135 for customers.

Margins on the spot month of the Houston Ship Channel basis swap futures contract will increase to $200 from $75 for clearing members, to $220 from $83 for members, and to $270 from $101 for customers. Margins on all other months will increase to $100 from $75 for clearing members, to $110 from $83 for members, and to $135 from $101 for customers. Spot month assessments will increase to $1,000 from $100 for clearing members, to $1,100 from $110 for members, and to $1,350 from $135 for customers.

Margins on the spot month of the San Juan basis swap futures contract will increase to $500 from $350 for clearing members, to $550 from $385 for members, and to $675 from $473 for customers. Margins on all other months remain unchanged. Spot month assessments will increase to $1,000 from $100 for clearing members, to $1,100 from $110 for members, and to $1,350 from $135 for customers.

Margins on the spot month of the Socal basis swap futures contract will increase to $500 from $375 for clearing members, to $550 from $413 for members, and to $675 from $506 for customers. Margins on all other months remain unchanged. Spot month assessments will increase to $1,000 from $100 for clearing members, to $1,100 from $110 for members, and to $1,350 from $135 for customers.

Margins on the spot month of the Transco Zone 6 basis swap futures contract will increase to $200 from $150 for clearing members, to $220 from $165 for members, and to $270 from $203 for customers. Margins on the second through sixth months will increase to $400 from $75 for clearing members, to $440 from $83 for members, and to $540 from $101 for customers. Margins on the seventh through 12th months will increase to $75 from $50 for clearing members, to $83 from $55 for members, and to $101 from $68 for customers. Margins on all months greater than the 12th will increase to $50 from $25 for clearing members, to $55 from $28 for members, and to $68 from $34 for customers. Spot month assessment fees will remain unchanged.

Margins on the spot month of the Northwest Pipeline, Rockies basis swap futures contract will increase to $500 from $325 for clearing members, to $550 from $358 for members, and to $675 from $439 for customers. Margins on the second month will increase to $250 from $225 for clearing members, to $275 from $248 for members, and to $338 from $304 for customers. Margins on the third through sixth months will increase to $225 from $200 for clearing members, to $248 from $220 for members, and to $304 from $270 for customers. Margins on all other months will remain unchanged. New spot month assessment fees will be placed on this market of $1,000 for clearing members, $1,100 for members, and $1,350 for customers.

Margins on the spot month of the Panhandle basis swap futures contract will increase to $500 from $100 for clearing members, to $550 from $110 for members, and to $675 from $135 for customers. Margins on all other months will increase to $300 from $75 for clearing members, to $330 from $83 for members, and to $405 from $101 for customers. Spot month assessment fees will increase to $1,000 from $200 for clearing members, to $1,100 from $220 for members, and to $1,350 from $270 for customers.

Margins on the spot month of the MichCon basis swap futures contract will increase to $500 from $75 for clearing members, to $550 from $83 for members, and to $675 from $101 for customers. Margins on all other months remain unchanged. Spot month assessments will increase to $1,000 from $100 for clearing members, to $1,100 from $110 for members, and to $1,350 from $135 for customers.

Margins on the spot month of the Permian basis swap futures contract will increase to $500 from $200 for clearing members, to $550 from $220 for members, and to $675 from $270 for customers. Margins on all other months will increase to $300 from $100 for clearing members, to $330 from $110 for members, and to $405 from $135 for customers. Spot month assessments will increase to $1,000 from $100 for clearing members, to $1,100 from $110 for members, and to $1,350 from $135 for customers.

Margins on the spot month of the Texas Eastern Zone M–3 swap futures contract will increase to $200 from $100 for clearing members, to $220 from $110 for members, and to $270 from $135 for customers. Margins on all other months will increase to $150 from $100 for clearing members, to $165 from $110 for members, and to $203 from $135 for customers. Spot month assessment fees are unchanged.

Margins on the spot month of the Columbia Gas Transmission Corp. Appalachia basis swap futures contract will increase to $100 from $75 for clearing members, to $110 from $83 for members, and to $135 from $101 for customers. Margins on all other months will increase to $75 from $50 for clearing members, to $83 from $55 for members, and to $101 from $68 for customers. Spot month assessment fees are unchanged.

Margins on the spot month of the PG&E Malin basis swap futures contract will increase to $500 from $250 for clearing members, to $550 from $275 for members, and to $675 from $338 for customers. Margins on all other months will increase to $200 from $175 for clearing members, to $220 from $193 for members, and to $270 from $236 for customers. Spot month assessment fees will increase to $1,000 from $500 for clearing members, to $1,100 from $550 for members, and to $1,350 from $675 for customers.

Margins on the spot month of the PG&E city gate basis swap futures contract will increase to $500 from $275 for clearing members, to $550 from $303 for members, and to $675 from $371 for customers. Margins on all other months will increase to $300 from $275 for clearing members, to $330 from $303 for members, and to $405 from $371 for customers. Spot month assessment fees will increase to $1,000 from $500 for clearing members, to $1,100 from $550 for members, and to $1,350 from $675 for customers.

Margins on the spot month of the Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America Texas/Oklahoma basis swap futures contract will increase to $150 from $75 for clearing members, to $165 from $83 for members, and to $203 from $101 for customers. Margins on all other months will increase to $125 from $50 for clearing members, to $138 from $55 for members, and to $169 from $68 for customers. Spot month assessment fees will remain unchanged.

Margins on the spot month and all other months for the ANR Oklahoma basis swap futures contract will increase to $200 from $100 for clearing members, to $220 from $110 for members, and to $270 from $135 for customers. Spot month assessment fees will increase to $1,000 from $500 for clearing members, to $1,100 from $550 for members, and to $1,350 from $675 for customers.

Margins on the spot month of the SUMAS basis swap futures contract will increase to $500 from $325 for clearing members, to $550 from $358 for members, and to $675 from $439 for customers. Margins on all other months will increase to $350 from $300 for clearing members, to $385 from $330 for members, and to $473 from $405 for customers. Spot month assessment fees will increase to $1,000 from $500 for clearing members, to $1,100 from $550 for members, and to $1,350 from $675 for customers.

Margins on the spot month of the Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America Mid–Continent basis swap futures contract will increase to $200 from $75 for clearing members, to $220 from $83 for members, and to $270 from $101 for customers. Margins on all other months will increase to $200 from $50 for clearing members, to $220 from $55 for members, and to $270 from $68 for customers. Spot month assessment fees will increase to $1,000 from $500 for clearing members, to $1,100 from $550 for members, and to $1,350 from $675 for customers.

Margins on the spot month of the Northern natural gas demarcation basis swap futures contract will increase to $200 from $100 for clearing members, to $220 from $110 for members, and to $270 from $135 for customers. Margins on all other months will increase to $150 from $50 for clearing members, to $165 from $55 for members, and to $203 from $68 for customers. Spot month assessment fees will remain unchanged.

Margins on the spot month of the Northern natural gas Ventura, Iowa basis swap futures contract will increase to $200 from $50 for clearing members, to $220 from $55 for members, and to $270 from $68 for customers. Margins on all other months will increase to $150 from $50 for clearing members, to $165 from $55 for members, and to $203 from $68 for customers. Spot month assessment fees are unchanged.

Margins on the spot month of the Dominion Transmission Inc. – Appalachia basis swap futures contract will increase to $250 from $100 for clearing members, to $275 from $110 for members, and to $338 from $135 for customers. Margins on all other months will increase to $150 from $100 for clearing members, to $165 from $110 for members, and to $203 from $135 for customers. Spot month assessment fees are unchanged.

Margins on the spot month of the Colorado Interstate Gas Co. basis swap futures contract will increase to $1,250 from $475 for clearing members, to $1,375 from $523 for members, and to $1,688 from $641 for customers. Margins on the second month will decrease to $300 from $325 for clearing members, to $330 from $358 for members, and to $405 from $439 for customers. Margins on the third through sixth months will decrease to $200 from $275 for clearing members, to $220 from $303 for members, and to $270 from $371 for customers. Margins on the seventh through 12th months will decrease to $100 from $175 for clearing members, to $110 from $193 for members, and to $135 from $236 for customers. Margins on all other months will decrease to $475 from $125 for clearing members, to $83 from $138 for members, and to $101 from $169 for customers. Spot month assessment fees are unchanged.

Margins on the spot month of the Waha basis swap futures contract will increase to $200 from $100 for clearing members, to $220 from $110 for members, and to $270 from $135 for customers. Margins on all other months will increase to $200 from $75 for members, to $220 from $83 for members, and to $270 from $101 for customers. Margins on the Socal basis swap futures contract will increase to $500 from $375 for clearing members, to $550 from $413 for members, and to $675 from $506 for customers. Margins on all other months remain unchanged. Spot month assessments will increase to $1,000 from $100 for clearing members, to $1,100 from $110 for members, and to $1,350 from $135 for customers. Margins on the spot month of the Tetco Eastern South/STX basis swap futures contract will increase to $150 from $50 for clearing members, to $165 from $55 for members, and to $203 from $68 for customers. Margins on all other months will increase to $75 from $50 for clearing members, to $83 from $55 for members, and to $101 from $68 for customers. Spot month assessment fees are unchanged.

Margins on the spot month of the Tetco ELA and Transco Zone 3 basis swap futures contracts will remain unchanged. Margins on all other months will decrease to $25 from $50 for clearing members, to $28 from $55 for members, and to $34 from $68 for customers. Spot month assessment fees are unchanged.

Margins on the spot month of the Henry Hub index swap futures contract will increase to $1,175 from $500 for clearing members, to $1,293 from $550 for members, and to $1,586 from $675 for customers. Margins on all other months are unchanged.

Margins on the spot month of the Chicago City Gate index swap futures contract will increase to $2,750 from $500 for clearing members, to $3,025 from $550 for members, and to $3,713 from $675 for members. Margins on all other months will remain the same.

Margins on the spot month of the El Paso/Permian index swap futures contract will increase to $1,250 from $500 for clearing members, to $1,375 from $550 for members, and to $1,688 from $675 for customers. Margins on all other months will remain the same.

Margins on the spot month of the Houston ship channel index swap futures contract will increase to $750 from $500 for clearing members, to $825 from $550 for members, and to $1,013 from $675 for customers. Margins on all other months will remain unchanged.

Margins on the spot month of the Panhandle and the Waha index swap futures contracts will increase to $1,000 from $500 for clearing members, to $1,100 from $550 for members, and to $1,350 from $675 for customers. Margins on all other months will remain unchanged.
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