Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Nymex Board Votes To List More Months Of Gasoline Futures Trading; Amends Specifications To Reference EPA Requirements

Date 07/01/2000

The board of directors of the New York Mercantile Exchange has voted to list gasoline futures contracts for October 2000 through January 2001 with amended specifications calling for the gasoline's oxygen content to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards. The rule changes also specify that, in the event that New Jersey amends its oxygen requirements, the oxygen delivered against the gasoline futures contract will reflect the New Jersey requirements, provided those requirements do not conflict with EPA standards. The requirements for the months currently trading, February through September 2000, will remain a 1.7% minimum oxygen requirement. The new months will be listed for trading on Monday, January 10.