Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

Nymex Board Appoints J. Robert Collins, Jr., As Exchange President

Date 16/07/2001

The board of directors of New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., last week voted to retain J. Robert (Bo) Collins, Jr., as president of the Exchange.

Mr. Collins, until now the senior vice president of natural gas trading at El Paso Merchant Energy, has been serving on the Exchange board since March as a trade representative.

Before joining El Paso in 1997, Mr. Collins was a natural gas and crude options market maker with Pioneer Futures on the floor of the Exchange. A graduate of Texas A&M University, his earliest professional experience was in commercial banking with the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank.

Exchange Chairman Vincent Viola said, "I have known Bo and worked closely with him for a number of years and have the utmost respect for his thorough knowledge of financial markets and the energy business. I look forward to the vision and insight he will offer in shaping our future, as well as the enthusiasm and fresh approach he will bring to day-to-day Exchange operations."