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Nymex Announces More Than 100 Transactions Posted To NYMEX ClearPort<SUP>sm</SUP> Clearing Site Today

Date 24/02/2003

The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc., announced that 125 off-Exchange transactions were posted for clearing today through the NYMEX ClearPortsm clearing website, the first time more than 100 transactions in a single day were posted on the system.

The transactions represented 115 trillion British thermal units (Btu) of natural gas, 186,000 megawatt hours of electricity, and 180,000 barrels of crude oil.

Since clearing services for bilateral off-Exchange transactions were launched on May 31, 2002, the equivalent of 3.46 quadrillion Btus of natural gas, 9.2 million megawatt hours of electricity and 906,000 barrels of crude oil in off-Exchange transactions have been cleared through the Exchange clearinghouse, with a notional value of approximately $13.8 billion.

Open interest in cleared off-exchange transactions as of the close of business on February 21 was the equivalent of 1.42 quadrillion Btus of natural gas, 4.8 million megawatt hours of electricity, and 24,000 barrels of crude oil.

Exchange President J. Robert Collins, Jr., said, "The growing volume of business transacted through the NYMEX ClearPortsm technology platform is an affirmation of a continuing flight to quality as market participants seek to conduct business under the Exchange's system of guarantees to mitigate credit risk."