NYBOT’s World Sugar contract is 112,000 lbs. of raw centrifugal cane sugar from 29 countries throughout the world, including Australia, Brazil, India, and the United States. The contract trades from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm (NY Time), and has four delivery months including March, May, July and October. The Sugar No. 11 ticker symbol is SB.
The New York Board of Trade (NYBOT) is New York’s original futures exchange, where the world trades food, fiber and financial products. For well over a century, the New York Board of Trade has provided reliability, integrity and security in a global marketplace for cocoa, coffee, cotton, ethanol, orange juice and sugar, as well as currency and index futures and options. Information about the New York Board of Trade can be found at www.nybot.com and www.nybotlive.com.