Mondo Visione Worldwide Financial Markets Intelligence

FTSE Mondo Visione Exchanges Index:

NYBOT Volume (YTD) Up Thirty-Nine Percent From 2003 Highlighting Twelve Straight Monthly Gains - Sugar No. 11 Futures And Options Set New Daily Open Interest Records

Date 05/08/2004

The historic markets at the New York Board of Trade® (NYBOT®), the world’s leading “soft” commodity exchange, have again shown impressive volume totals -- the twelfth consecutive month of growth, with most products experiencing gains. Through July 2004, year-to-date (YTD) total futures and options volume was 19,065,503 futures and options contracts, a 39% increase over the same period from last year.

Additionally, on August 3, 2004, NYBOT’s Sugar No. 11 futures contract (symbol SB) set a new open interest record with 323,235 contracts, surpassing the previous record of 318,841 from March 24, 2004. The options contract also set a record with 369,651 contracts established August 4, 2004, replacing the previous high from the day before.

NYBOT’s individual markets saw substantial volume increases during July 2004:

  • Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice (or FCOJ), (symbol OJ) had a 68% (YTD) rise in futures trading, and options jumped 123%(YTD).

  • Coffee “C” futures (symbol KC) were ahead 44% (YTD) and the options (symbol KO) were up 59% (YTD).

  • The Sugar No. 11 futures contract rose 41% (YTD), and the options went up 89% (both YTD).

The financial markets also saw increases, with the US Dollar Index futures (symbol DX) gaining 38% and the options up 141% (both YTD). The Equity Index markets had the Russell 1000® futures contract (symbol R) increase 43% (YTD) and the options were up 162% (YTD).

Finally, NYBOT’s cotton futures contract climbed 18% and the options 41%, and cocoa futures rose 15% (all YTD).

The New York Board of Trade (NYBOT) is New York’s original futures exchange, where the world trades food, fiber and financial products. For well over a century, the New York Board of Trade has provided reliability, integrity and security in a global marketplace for cocoa, coffee, cotton, ethanol, orange juice and sugar, as well as currency and index futures and options. Information about the New York Board of Trade can be found at and

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