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NYBOT Coffee "C" Graders Test To Be Given In Early Fall 2003

Date 19/06/2003

The New York Board of Trade® (NYBOT®) announced today that its Coffee, Sugar & Cocoa Exchange will administer a coffee graders test in early Fall 2003 (the exact date and time will be announced later). Candidates must have a minimum of five years experience in the coffee trade and at least five years of actual grading experience to qualify for the practical test of grading and cupping.

The grading test will be conducted at NYBOT's 39 Broadway location in New York, N.Y. Candidates interested in receiving an application package need to submit a request to Marie Stendardo by fax at 212-785-3955 or email at

NYBOT's Coffee Graders are world-renowned for their expertise in being able to determine the quality of Arabica coffee grown in nineteen countries all over the world. The coffee is deliverable under the terms of its Coffee "C" contract. The NYBOT Coffee Grader test is also known to be very difficult and many takers do not pass the test. Cupping is the art of tasting the liquid form of coffee and making a determination to its quality from the taste.

The New York Board of Trade (NYBOT) is the parent company of the Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange, Inc. (CSCE) and the New York Cotton Exchange (NYCE). Through its two exchanges and their subsidiaries and divisions, NYBOT offers an expanding range of agricultural, currency and index products. Information about the New York Board of Trade can be found at and